Miami eCommerce SEO Agency

In the world of ecommerce, managing a sizable and intricate website can present a significant challenge. For businesses that have grown beyond their initial capacities, platforms like Bigcommerce, Magento, or Shopify often become difficult to scale and optimize. Inventory management becomes a hefty task, and achieving organic growth requires more than just a business-as-usual approach.

Common signs of these growing pains include a drop in sales conversions despite an extensive product catalog, a plateau in website traffic, or diminishing returns on traditional marketing investments. These issues are precisely where a targeted SEO strategy can be a game-changer.

SEO offers solutions by improving online visibility, attracting high-quality traffic to your website, and ensuring that the visitors are more likely to convert. But the intricacies of SEO demand a partner who’s not just skilled technically, but also aligned with your local business environment.


70% ​




1 Million Keywords​

About Optimum7 and Miami SEO

Being a Miami-based agency, Optimum7 is well-positioned to understand and integrate the specific needs of local businesses with the wider-reaching strategies necessary for global competition. We believe in a partnership that extends beyond service—we aim to be an extension of your team, providing tailored strategies that support your immediate needs and future growth.

With Optimum7, you gain a partner dedicated to refining your ecommerce SEO approach to support and enhance your business operations, ensuring your ecommerce platform is set for expansion. Let’s work together to unlock your website’s potential for growth.

By The Numbers Optimum7

We ranked more than
1 Million Keywords

We determine the keywords your audience is searching for and develop an SEO strategy that will increase your online presence.

We created more than 20,000 pieces of content per year

We have in-house copywriters, videographers, and graphic designers that make sure your content is high-quality and on-brand with your business.

We increase 70% Average eCommerce Revenue

Our SEO experts and digital marketing team use the latest tools, technologies, and techniques to help your business grow. We drive traffic that converts leads into sales for you.

Need an SEO Strategy for 2024 and Beyond?

Get your 90 day custom growth plan

Our Clientele: Empowering Growth for Established eCommerce Businesses

Optimum7 specializes in partnering with established ecommerce businesses that are facing the unique challenges that come with scale and complexity. Our clients typically have a strong market presence, with at least five years of operational experience and annual revenues ranging from $2 to $20 million. They manage extensive ecommerce stores on renowned platforms such as Bigcommerce, Magento, or Shopify, and are looking to refine and expand their online presence.

The businesses we serve often encounter specific hurdles:

  • Inventory Management: As product lines grow, keeping track of inventory can become unwieldy, affecting both logistics and sales.
  • Sales Plateaus: After initial periods of growth, many businesses find their sales leveling off or not keeping pace with inventory or market expansion.
  • Market Saturation: In competitive markets, standing out and capturing customer attention requires more than just a presence—it requires precision and strategy.
  • Technical Overwhelm: With the sophistication of ecommerce platforms, businesses can find themselves bogged down by technical details that detract from their core objectives.

Our role is to provide the SEO expertise and strategic marketing guidance to overcome these challenges. We work closely with you to diagnose the root causes of these symptoms and implement bespoke strategies that not only alleviate immediate issues but also set a course for sustained organic growth and market dominance.

By choosing Optimum7, you gain a partner who is deeply invested in understanding the intricacies of your business and leveraging that knowledge to drive tangible results. We are committed to ensuring that your ecommerce operations are as efficient and profitable as they can be, using a blend of seasoned expertise and innovative solutions that are customized for your specific needs.

Our Strategic Approach: Sprint Planning for Long-Term eCommerce Success

Optimum7’s strategy is built on a sprint model, which allows us to align our SEO and marketing tactics closely with your long-term business objectives. Here’s how we structure our strategic process:

Objective Setting

We begin by understanding your business goals for the forthcoming quarter or year. These objectives form the cornerstone of our strategic planning.

Sprint Planning

With objectives in place, we plan three to four months’ worth of work. Each sprint is designed to tackle specific goals, whether it’s enhancing SEO, improving user experience, or expanding market reach.

Tactical Execution

Our team gets into action, executing the planned tasks with precision. The sprint model allows for focused efforts on high-priority initiatives, making sure that every action taken is a step towards your defined objectives.

Monitoring and Adaptation

As we progress, we constantly monitor the outcomes and fine-tune our strategies. This iterative process ensures that we adapt to market changes, search engine updates, and the evolving needs of your business.

Review and Refinement

At the end of each sprint, we review the results with you to assess the effectiveness of our strategies. This is a collaborative process, ensuring that our next sprint is even more aligned with your growth trajectory.

This sprint methodology ensures that we are not just reactive but proactive in our approach to SEO and marketing. By setting clear objectives and working in focused bursts, we can drive substantial progress while maintaining the flexibility to pivot as needed. Your partnership with Optimum7 means embarking on a path of continuous improvement, strategic agility, and sustained ecommerce success.

Comprehensive Marketing Tactics: Beyond SEO

At Optimum7, our marketing strategies extend far beyond standard SEO practices. We leverage the Levels of Awareness to target long-tail, bottom-of-funnel queries effectively and craft a holistic marketing approach that encompasses multiple channels. Here’s how we implement this multifaceted strategy:

Long-Tail Keyword Targeting: We delve into the specific, nuanced queries your potential customers are making. By focusing on long-tail keywords, we capture highly targeted traffic that’s often closer to the point of purchase, offering a higher conversion potential.

Bottom-of-Funnel Focus: Our strategies prioritize bottom-of-funnel content that addresses the needs of prospects who are ready to make a decision. This involves creating content and optimizing pages that cater to the ‘most aware’ stage, where the intent to buy is strongest.

Levels of Awareness Integration: By understanding where your customers are in the buying journey, from completely unaware to most aware, we tailor our content and campaigns accordingly. This ensures we provide the right message at the right time, moving customers seamlessly through the funnel.

Holistic Marketing Strategy: SEO is just one piece of the puzzle. We combine our SEO efforts with a comprehensive marketing plan that includes:

  • Paid Search: For immediate visibility in competitive markets.
  • Email Marketing: To nurture leads and keep your audience informed and interested.

Data-Driven Decisions: We rely on analytics and data to guide our strategy, ensuring that every aspect of your marketing campaign is optimized for the best possible return on investment.

Cross-Channel Optimization: Our team ensures that the insights gained from SEO feed into your other marketing channels, creating a cohesive and unified marketing front.

Development Acumen: Apart from just being a marketing agency, our team of Miami eComemrce developers are skilled at building custom functionalities that improve conversions.

By embracing this holistic approach, we ensure that your marketing efforts are not siloed but integrated, with each channel playing off the strengths of the others. This not only amplifies your reach but also reinforces your messaging across the customer journey, leading to better brand recall and customer loyalty. With Optimum7, you’re not just getting SEO expertise; you’re getting a full-suite marketing partner committed to your long-term success.

What Our Customers are Saying

Our business has seen great success since hiring Optimum7 as an SEO agency to help us with our SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We watched as search traffic grew by over 12 times in a matter of weeks, and it continues to climb even higher still today! They're professional from the very start of each project we work on together, which makes me confident that they will continue to be successful at what they do for years to come.
Brad Besner
Techpro Security Products
Optimum7 has done a great job with my website and law company. They have helped me boost our law firm's online presence, gain the confidence to move forward in our potential for future success online through amazing work on Website Marketing, Reputation Management, and Maintenance.

Eric J. Hertz
Hertz Law
Optimum7 has helped us find a niche, international audience who are interested in studying at our university. We have seen a steady stream of leads thanks to Optimum7's effective implementation of strategies that attracted potential students and applicants.

Grizelle De Los Reyes
Florida International University

How Does Our Miami SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Process Work?

Our first step is to do a website audit because there are many details. We use Google Analytics as a tool and prioritize what categories we should strongly focus on. Next, we break it down by products or which categories are getting the most organic traffic and visibility – especially within those that generate cash flow in terms of revenue?

After this process, we optimize that category structure and those product pages by using a formula to score every page on the website. We then take all of these data through five sources: Google Analytics, Search Console, SEMRush, and keyword rankings in the Google search engine, etc.

Our process starts by looking at the page authority for both product and category pages. We also pull in all the backlinks from Ahrefs and Moz to create a scoring structure that’s unique to you, so your business can be found more easily online.

At Optimum7, the best Miami SEO and digital marketing agency,  our SEO consultants then work with you to create a six-month SEO and marketing strategy for your business and brand. This should get you from A (revenue, visibility, or phone calls) to B (more revenue/visibility/phone calls).

You can review this plan at the end of that time period and evaluate whether it was successful in meeting its KPIs as well as what kind of impact those KPI changes had on your goals overall.

Need an SEO Strategy for 2024 and Beyond?

Get your 90 day custom growth plan

SpecialistID Case Study: A Comprehensive eCommerce Growth Strategy

Optimum7’s collaboration with Specialist ID exemplifies a multifaceted approach to ecommerce success, combining SEO, content marketing, platform migration, link building, website redesign, and custom programming to dramatically boost online presence and revenue.

The Strategy

eCommerce SEO & Content Marketing

Our team developed a robust content hierarchy optimized for SEO, ensuring Specialist ID’s visibility remained strong amidst shifting Google algorithms. The focus on strategic keyword targeting led to a significant increase in organic traffic and revenue.

eCommerce Migration

Specialist ID’s journey began on Yahoo before migrating to Volusion — a then-emerging leader in ecommerce platforms. This move leveraged modern digital features to enhance business operations. In June 2019, a strategic shift to Shopify allowed us to implement tailored functionalities, improving the user experience and website customization capabilities.

Link Building

We crafted a backlink strategy that bolstered domain authority, driving targeted traffic to category pages and expanding the keyword reach. High-quality link partnerships included authoritative domains such as, Forbes, and Huffington Post, aligning Specialist ID with industry leaders in security.

Website Redesign

As Amazon reshaped the ecommerce landscape, Specialist ID’s online storefront underwent a transformation to compete effectively, focusing on user experience and streamlined navigation.

Custom Programming/Functionality

Advanced Search and Filter: Enhanced the shopping experience by allowing precise searches for products, reducing overwhelm and expediting the ordering process.

Marketplace Integration: Despite Amazon’s competitive edge, we integrated Specialist ID’s offerings with the platform, which paradoxically increased sales despite lower margins.

Tax-Exempt Functionality: Implemented a system to automatically apply tax exemptions for eligible businesses, streamlining the purchasing process for nonprofits and similar organizations.

Custom Design and Product Pages: Introduced product customization options, allowing businesses to personalize items for branding purposes directly on the website.


The implementation of these strategies yielded profound results for Specialist ID:

  • A 65% increase in organic traffic, indicating a broader reach and higher engagement with the target market.
  • An 85% rise in organic revenue, showcasing the direct financial impact of our integrated marketing and development efforts.
  • A 57% growth in organic transactions, reflecting a greater volume of successful purchases through the online store.

The Specialist ID case study stands as a testament to Optimum7’s ability to deliver comprehensive, growth-centric ecommerce solutions. Through strategic SEO, content marketing, thoughtful migrations, and custom developments, we not only navigated the challenges of a rapidly evolving digital landscape but also secured significant gains in traffic, revenue, and transactions for our client.

Leadership at Optimum7: Duran Inci, A Visionary at the Helm

At the forefront of Optimum7’s leadership stands Duran Inci, an Internet Technology Executive with over 15 years of experience in the spheres of e-business, eCommerce, systems integration, custom programming, SaaS, and a full spectrum of digital marketing. His tenure as CEO of Optimum7 is marked by the creation and refinement of processes that have cemented the company’s reputation for cutting-edge technological and marketing strategy execution.

Strategic Impact and Revenue Generation

Under Duran’s guidance, Optimum7 has flourished, driving revenue in the multi millions for clients. His analytical prowess ensures that businesses not only reach but often surpass their online objectives. His approach melds strategic vision with a keen attention to the minutiae of technological frameworks, ensuring that each client’s unique needs are met with precision and ingenuity.

Educational Contributions and Community Engagement

Duran’s influence extends beyond corporate walls into academia and community development. He has imparted his digital marketing wisdom through boot camps at Florida International University and has shared his expertise at workshops in prestigious institutions across South Florida and Europe, nurturing the next generation of digital marketing professionals.

Industry Recognition

His thought leadership is recognized on the conference circuit, with speaking engagements at renowned events such as SMX, eMetrics, eMarketing, and SES Conferences. These platforms have allowed Duran to share his insights on a larger stage, influencing industry trends and practices.

Holistic Business Perspective

With a rare ability to synthesize a high-level perspective with granular technical insights, Duran excels in cross-departmental communication, highlighting the human element in the complex digital landscape. His consultancy spans thousands of companies of varying sizes and stages, including Fortune 100 firms, demonstrating the universal applicability of his expertise.

Entrepreneurial Initiatives

Duran’s entrepreneurial spirit has led him to establish, a network dedicated to fostering entrepreneurial connections in Miami. This initiative underscores his commitment to community building and economic development, creating a collaborative environment for high-caliber CEOs and founders in the region.


Duran’s multifaceted experience and leadership have been pivotal to Optimum7’s success and influence in the industry. His holistic approach to technology and marketing, combined with his dedication to education and community involvement, set him apart as a leader who not only drives growth but also contributes significantly to the broader digital marketing and technology communities.

eCommerce SEO to Thrive.

No matter which way you go around it, you’ll need an eCommerce SEO strategy with specific know-how for your business to get visible and thrive. Start building your online authority now.

Next Steps - Engaging with Optimum7

Embarking on a journey with Optimum7 begins with a straightforward first step: scheduling a consultation. This initial conversation is crucial, as it allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your business, its unique challenges, and the objectives you aim to achieve.

Following our initial call, our team delves into an in-depth research phase, scrutinizing every facet of your business. This is not just a cursory glance but a deep-dive analysis intended to uncover the layers of your business model, market position, and competitive landscape.

Armed with our findings, we reconvene for a follow-up discussion. This session is designed to shed light on our discoveries and provide you with actionable insights and strategic guidance. Our goal is to offer you not just information, but clarity and direction that can inform your decision-making process.

Once we’ve aligned on the vision and strategy, we will prepare a tailored quote and scope out the project. This proposal is not just about numbers; it’s a blueprint for success, outlining the structured path we envision taking to meet and exceed your business goals.

Commitment to Partnership

Our approach is collaborative and transparent, with a commitment to becoming a valued partner in your business growth. We believe in building relationships, not just portfolios, and we are eager to set the stage for a fruitful and enduring partnership.

With Optimum7, you’re not just hiring a service provider; you’re engaging with a team of passionate experts committed to propelling your business forward. Take the first step today and discover how our expertise aligns with your aspirations. Let’s create success stories together.

Your Growth, Our Passion – Building Together in Miami’s Tech Space

As we draw this discussion to a close, we reiterate our unwavering commitment to the growth and success of your website and business. At Optimum7, we don’t just build websites or strategies; we build legacies. Your growth is the yardstick by which we measure our success, and we are relentless in our pursuit to see you excel.

Our passion for nurturing growth extends beyond individual businesses; it is about fostering a thriving digital ecosystem right here in Miami. We take immense pride in collaborating with fellow Miami-based businesses, believing that our collective advancement is a testament to the city’s burgeoning tech space.

Moreover, our dedication to the tech industry is holistic and deep-rooted. We are not just participants but active contributors who are invested in the innovation and progress of the technology sector. Whether it’s through engaging with local entrepreneurs, speaking at industry conferences, or offering our expertise to up-and-coming talent, our engagement with the tech community is full-hearted and continuous.

In partnership with you, we are not just aiming for incremental improvement but for transformational results. With our comprehensive suite of services, expert team, and a proven track record of success, we are ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Join us at Optimum7, and let’s embark on a journey of growth and excellence together. Your vision, coupled with our expertise, will pave the way for a brighter, more successful future in the digital realm. Reach out to us, and let’s start building something great in the heart of Miami.