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Customized Marketing Solutions

In Marketing, “one size fits all” does not apply. Methods change based on products and services offered, demography of prospects, geographical area and even culture. Limited budgets complicate and even disqualify some particularly for expensive advertising mediums such as TV and Print.

So what is a business owner to do in this kind of a competitive environment where giants spend millions of dollars on marketing? “If you’re attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn’t, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income,” says Jay Abraham, a marketing expert. These multiple positions need to be both cost effective and  bring you high conversions and leads; ultimately ROI. In today’s marketplace, those of us “non-giants” can achieve Jay Abraham’s “multiple positions” by leveraging all of the elements of Online Marketing.

Imagine being able to target hundreds of thousands of potential customers, if not millions, by simply sticking to a well executed customized marketing strategy. Now imagine the fact that this marketing solution is based on visibility, relevance, popularity, high conversion, and word of mouth or viral marketing involving such things as the social media. Our clients at Optimum 7 have seen this first hand and it can work for your business as well.

Simply, we are getting our clients found and recognized at a fraction of the cost of traditional means of advertising and marketing. This is where the difference between “inbound marketing” and “outbound marketing” is highly recognized. “Outbound marketing” is executed by larger companies with huge budgets, to create brand awareness generally for large consumer audiences. With this approach, the return is rarely immediate and the cost is enormous, however, effective over long periods of time. Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola, McDonalds are just some of the companies that utilize from this method.

On the other hand, “Inbound Marketing” leverages from targeted traffic and users who are actually looking for your more niche products or services. This product could be anything from a bottle of perfume to an industrial product; the strategy and execution is always similar since its custom tailored for your business. For example, if you sell an Industrial Product that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter) might not be the medium for you. However, this does not mean that Social Media cannot help you in your marketing efforts. At Optimum7, We have proven that a well coordinated custom blend of online approaches yield superior results for the vast majority of businesses that don’t fall into the Fortune 1,000.  Therefore, we utilize the benefits of multiple mediums in our online marketing efforts as Jay Abraham recommends. SEO, PPC, Social Media, Social Bookmarking, Videos, Online branding etc are the multiple media of Inbound Marketing.

If you are a small or a medium sized business, we would strongly suggest that you seriously consider the multi-faceted, highly targeted approaches of Inbound Marketing vs. traditional media or yellow pages. “Inbound Marketing” simply works; have you looked at Google’s earnings over the past decade?  Just follow the money as they say. Of course, we would be glad to help. Call us for a free, no-obligation consultation!

Let's Talk

A digital marketing strategy is the path to profitability. Optimum7 can help you set the right goals, offer and implement creative and technical strategies, and use data and analytics to review and improve your business’s performance.

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